Avarice: Meet our Staff!

Welcome to another volume of Seven Deadly Sins, A YA Anthology! This is a continuation of our traditional introduction to the authors and staff members.

The release date for the sixth volume, Avarice, is April 3, 2018!

You can Pre-Order the eBook on Amazon and order a print copy after the release. Please consider posting a review on Amazon or Goodreads.

Introducing the Seven Deadly Sins, A YA Anthology staff:


Creative Designer Luke Spooner of Carrion House

Luke Spooner, a.k.a. ‘Carrion House’ and ‘Hoodwink House,’ currently lives and works in the South of England. Having graduated from the University of Portsmouth with a first class degree, he is now a full-time illustrator and writer for just about any project that piques his interest. Despite regular forays into children’s books and fairy tales, for which he has won awards for literary and artistic merit, his true love is anything macabre, melancholy, or dark in nature and essence. He believes that the job of putting someone else’s words into a visual form, to accompany and support their text, is a massive responsibility as well as being something he truly treasures. Luke has designed every cover for the Seven Deadly Sins series. He can be found on Facebook, and at his Carrion House and Hoodwink House websites.


Layout Editor D. Laserbeam

D.Laserbeam, our Layout Editor, has been an icon at Scribophile for many years, so it’s no wonder we jumped at the chance to have Dino do the e-book formatting for the SDS anthologies. Dino writes, edits (Laserbeam Edits), is the founder & editor-in-chief of freeze frame fiction, and oh, yeah–is an engineer in real life!


Copy Editor K.T. Stephens

As well as a contributor to Seven Deadly Sins, K.T. Stephens is also senior copy editor of the entire series. Once a professional student, she holds a plethora of degrees under her belt–two of which include Master’s in Music and English. A retired music resource teacher and band director from a Maryland public school district, she has written K-12 curriculum, treatises on classroom management, and was a key contributor to several grant-writing projects. A member of the Scribophile writing community, she runs contests to elicit submissions from the YA Authors group and uses an amazing contingency of professionals to pick the best possible works for each volume.


Creative Editor E.N. Loizis

E.N. Loizis is a Greek writer, trapped inside the body of a technical translator who lives in Germany. She writes poems, flash fiction and short stories, while pretending to work on her first novel. Her stories have appeared in Maudlin House, freeze frame fiction, and Ember: A Journal of Luminous Things. Her stories have been published in the Pride and Envy volumes of Seven Deadly Sins. She enjoys breathing, eating, and sleeping.


Adjudicator/Editor Edward Reese

Edward Reese is a creative writing teacher from Cincinnati, Ohio, gathering many ideas from his very imaginative high school students. He has yet to capitalize on his threat to commandeer their writing, and it’s only his highly touted ethics that hold him back. When he retires in 15 years, if he hasn’t received a disclaimer of copyright from his ex-students, he assumes all bets are off.


Adjudicator/Junior Editor Susan Ward

Susan Ward is a 20-year-old college student, attending Miami University in Oxford, OH. She is majoring in Business with a minor in Creative Writing, someday hoping to re-write some of the extremely boring professor-required-reading books. Susan loves to immerse herself in Young Adult books when she’s not studying, and is currently enamored of anything by Robin Benway.

Avarice: Meet the Authors, Day 5

How greedy are you? There’s a fine line between want and take. Can both be considered a sin? Are you willing to find out?

It’s time for another volume of Seven Deadly Sins, A YA Anthology! This is Day Five of our traditional introduction to the authors and their stories.

The release date for the sixth volume, Avarice, is April 3, 2018!

You can Pre-Order the eBook on Amazon and order a print copy after the release. Please consider posting a review on Amazon or Goodreads.


Introducing the remaining five authors of Avarice and their blurbs. Come back tomorrow to learn more about our staff members!


Robert Walton is a retired middle school teacher and a lifelong rock climber with many ascents in the Sierras and Pinnacles National Peak, his home crags. His writing about climbing has appeared in the Sierra Club’s Ascent. His publishing credits include works of science fiction, fantasy and poetry. He also worked as a newspaper columnist for a time. His historical novel, Dawn Drums, won the 2014 New Mexico Book Awards Tony Hillerman Prize for best fiction, first place in the 2014 Arizona Authors competition, and first place in the historical fiction category of the 2017 Readers Choice Awards. Most recently, his short story “Uriah” was published in Assisi, a literary journal associated with St. Francis College in Brooklyn.

Website: chaosgatebook.wordpress.com/

Facebook: facebook.com/search/top/?q=dawn%20drums

Fallen Angel by Robert Walton

Glory, victory, even immortality are centimeters away. Rock climber Tony must make one more move to reach the most difficult summit of his career, the ultimate pinnacle of his sport. He’s sacrificed everything—money, love, self-respect, his body—to reach this vertical moment. There’s no going back, no chance of trying again. Or is there?



D.A. Weaver has lived in sunny California her entire life. When she was a kid, however, she’d wander off to wherever her creativity took her, usually recruiting her friends to be the actors in her latest play. Whether it was the dirt lot “stage” down the street that transformed into an island plagued by cannibals and haunted by quirky pirates, or a refrigerator box spaceship in the backyard that traveled to worlds that were yet to be discovered, reality was always the most distant location in her mind. As far back as elementary school Doreen knew that the only thing that would make her truly happy was to bring those concocted people and places to life for others to enjoy. Doreen is excited to a part of this project again. Her short story, “Retribution,” can be found in Seven Deadly Sins, A YA Anthology: Wrath.

Twitter: @daweaverwriter

Avaritia’s Peak by D.A. Weaver

Cole has lived in the Sierra Nevada Mountains his entire life, and he’s a natural at guiding people through the old gold-rush trails. Until one day a greedy tourist insists that Cole bring him to the top of the mountain, where legend has it, tons of undiscovered riches still exist. Will Cole face the demons that have haunted him his entire life or continue running from his past?



Daniel I. Weaver has been writing fiction for almost two decades near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. A father of three plus two German Shepherd rescues, Dan spends the majority of his day working as an executive at a large health plan while secretly pining to spend that time crafting some new adventure. His fiction has previously been published in various anthologies and quarterly magazines including Light at the Edge of Darkness (2007); Dragons, Knights, and Angels Volume 46 (2007); Seven Deadly Sins, A YA Anthology: Gluttony (2017) and Seven Deadly Sins, A YA Anthology: Wrath (2017).

Twitter: @writinbloodfilm

Facebook: facebook.com/daniel.weaver.3192

Facebook Author page: facebook.com/Writ-In-Blood-1826076440976059

Website: authordanieliweaver.com

Survival by Daniel I. Weaver

In a post apocalyptic future where survival is a struggle for some, but entertainment for others, two teenagers gamble everything for a chance at a better future. All they hoped for was a life outside the blight, but what they find inside the Colony is nothing like what they expected. Every choice becomes a fight for survival in a place where they quickly realize every opportunity comes with a price.



Madison Wheatley is a poet and fiction writer from Northwest Indiana. She teaches English at an alternative middle/high school, where she makes it her goal to put a book in the hand of every kid who claims they “don’t like reading.” When she isn’t teaching or writing, you can find her getting lost in the library stacks, playing video games, or suffering at the gym. Her work has been published in Shapes and Names, Cave Region Review, and Seltzer.

Instagram: @mwheatleywriter

Website: madisonwheatley.com

Twitter: @mwheatleywriter

All That Glitters by Madison Wheatley

When Liv finds a gold coin that magically makes copies of itself, she knows that this discovery will save her life. Friendless and mourning her mother’s absence, she watches her wealth steadily accumulate and imagines how she’ll buy herself a new life, far away from her alcoholic Aunt Alicia. But as the strange coins multiply, they begin to eat away at Liv’s sanity, and it becomes harder for her not to succumb to their sinister suggestions.



Mari L. Yates wrote her first story in kindergarten. From then on, Mari knew she wanted to be a writer. Working in the healthcare industry by day, she writes whenever and wherever she can. She’s currently working on editing her first mystery/thriller novel and writing a fantasy novel. When not found with a notebook or laptop in her hands, she loves to read, cuddle with her two cats, watch movies, and play video games.

Facebook Author Page:  facebook.com/marilyates

Twitter: @Meadowmirth

Instragram: @Meadowmirth

Website: marilyates.com

Secrets and Gold by Mari L. Yates

Cerdreq, a once-great dragon warlord, is led into a trap by his own avarice. Forced by an evil witch to assuage King Amaury’s ever-growing thirst for more wealth by destroying towns, Cerdreq grows bitter. Princess Emelyne attempts to show him there’s still good in the world, while striving to earn the acceptance of those around her. Who will win and who will lose in this deadly, rapacious game?

Avarice: Meet the Authors, Day 4

I’m feeling greedy today for people to purchase this anthology, because in this particular instance, we only practice avarice in order to donate the proceeds to First Book! Please stop by their website to see what you can do to help.


It’s time for another volume of Seven Deadly Sins, A YA Anthology! This is Day Four of our traditional introduction to the authors and their stories.

The release date for the sixth volume, Avarice, is April 3, 2018!

You can Pre-Order the eBook on Amazon and order a print copy after the release. Please consider posting a review on Amazon or Goodreads.


Introducing the next four authors of Avarice and their blurbs:


Yvette O’Kay is a writing goddess that has been creating stories ever since she was a little girl. She is from New York and has been featured in four previous volumes of Seven Deadly Sins, A YA Anthology: Sloth, Envy, Gluttony, and Wrath.

Moonlight Calling by Yvette O’Kay

Alone in a decrepit and crumbling castle, a dragon protects her hoard. She thinks back to a time long ago, when kings and queens ruled the land and wealth was ripe for the taking. Back then, the land around was scorched and all the people had fled for their lives—a desolate kingdom where her only subjects were her ever-growing treasures. Then, one day she catches sight of a treasure that she must have and takes to the night for her hunt.



K.T. Stephens writes YA and children’s books and is especially enamored of the circus. Just mention acrobats and strongmen and she’ll jump headfirst into this world of magic, color and precision and take you with her. When she steps away from the big top, she works as editor, publisher, and author on her pet project—Seven Deadly Sins, A YA Anthology—and writes adult literature under the pseudonym Katie Stephens. She recently moved with her husband and two adorably obsessive felines from the green rolling hills of Ohio to New Mexico, where the sun shines an astonishing 310 days out of the year. Her financial investments now include suntan lotion and dark glasses.

Twitter: @standardishue

Blog: standardishue.com

Facebook: facebook.com/katie.stephens.169405

Facebook Author Page: facebook.com/KatieStephensAuthor

Circus Curses by K.T. Stephens

When Human Cannonball Aiden McGrath dates another member of the circus troupe, he discovers firsthand that you don’t mess with a gypsy’s daughter because, well, curses. Soon after Drina’s mother casts his fortune, a freak illness leaves him partially paralyzed and unable to communicate. He loses everything he owns to medical bills, and now someone is stealing from the circus. All Aiden has to do is eliminate the curse, get the girl, and stop the thieves before the circus closes down forever.



M.J. Travis is a native southern Californian who began writing when her second child was no longer in need of constant supervision. Her love of books began at an early age. She mostly writes short stories for YA and children, but has just started to leap into the workings of a novel. She has previously been published in the Seven Deadly Sins series.

A Wildflower by M.J. Travis

Abuse is all Jason Stymes has ever known. Passed from one foster house to another, he finally lands in the home of his dreams. Almost an adult, Jason knows his time is limited. Either his foster mom adopts him, or he ends up on the streets. One person lies in Jason’s way. Will he do the right thing? Or will his life-long hope of having a loving mother drive him to perform the unthinkable?



Elle Turpitt has always preferred spending time in fictional realities over real ones, often of her own creation. She returned to her home in South Wales after studying Creative Writing at the University of Hull. When not writing, she is often immersed in TV, films, video games, or books. Her first published piece was in Seven Deadly Sins, A YA Anthology: Wrath, and she is honoured to again appear in the SDS Anthology.

Twitter: @elleturpitt

Blog: elleturpitt.com

Facebook: facebook.com/elle.turpitt 

Ashworth Manor by Elle Turpitt

Viv can see ghosts, so the haunted Ashworth Manor is the last place she wants to go. It’s a place kids enter and never leave. But there’s treasure, and Viv’s family needs money fast. Viv enters the manor to confront the ghosts reluctant to part with their treasure. Can she convince them to give her the treasure and release her from the evil inside?

Avarice: Meet the Authors, Day 3

Avarice is defined by the Church as extreme greed for wealth or fame. It’s a sin of excess, like Gluttony or Lust. If you dig deeper into a person’s psyche, modern descriptions may include: treason, theft by violence, deliberate betrayal or disloyalty, and manipulation of authority. What a wealth of writing ideas when the theme is Avarice.

It’s time for another volume of Seven Deadly Sins, A YA Anthology! This is Day Three of our traditional introduction to the authors and their stories.

The release date for the sixth volume, Avarice, is April 3, 2018!

You can Pre-Order the eBook on Amazon and order a print copy after the release. Please consider posting a review on Amazon or Goodreads.


Introducing the next four authors of Avarice and their blurbs:


Chris Kennedy writes for fun and enjoys twisting history into parables. His family tells him he’s a compulsive liar because he likes to make things up. When not researching his MA, he works for a modern communications company and dreams of retirement, which he intends to spend making up more lies and turning them into yet more stories for this excellent series.

Hungry Ghosts by Chris Kennedy

The Clinic is ancient and rotten. It conceals itself behind a mask of sterile glass and polished chrome, where the richest clients can trade their hard cash for an illusion of youth and beauty.  Maeko Yoshida is the only one to perceive the danger. She must risk everything she has to strip away the mask and expose the corruption at its core, before her friends are drawn to the ranks of the Hungry Ghosts. 


Tonia Markou is a Greek-German writer and Creative Writing graduate, currently editing her first YA novel. Basically just a big kid, she enjoys writing and reading fiction for young adults. Her short stories have appeared in Flash and The Seven Deadly Sins, A YA Anthology: Envy, Gluttony and Wrath. She’s the proud owner of a vast Converse Chucks collection, and is obsessed with stationery, mugs and pajamas.

Twitter: @toniawrites

Facebook author page: facebook.com/toniawrites

Website: medium.com/@toniawrites

The Wolf’s Appetite by Tonia Markou

Devon wants to be as famous as his former classmate, Theodore. When he steals Theo’s magical locket, it seems as if all his dreams finally come true. But how far will he go to make sure it stays that way?



Geraldine McCarthy lives in West Cork in the Republic of Ireland. In a former life she was involved in tutoring, lecturing, translation and research. She has been writing short stories and flash fiction for over two years now. Her work has been published in The Fable Online, The Incubator Journal, Seven Deadly Sins, A YA Anthology: Gluttony and Wrath, Scarlet Leaf Review, Brilliant Flash Fiction and Every Day Fiction.

Facebook: facebook.com/cruthaitheacht

The Price of Everything by Geraldine McCarthy

It is the summer before her final year in school, and Arianna wants to get a job to save up for a holiday. She juggles working at a shoe boutique and babysitting on weekends, but finds herself under increasing pressure to make time for the important people in her life. What will she prioritise?



C.P. Mulé, of the Greater Philadelphia area, grew up mere yards from the point of the Delaware River, where Washington crossed the iced body to defeat the Hessians. He’d watch the water course along the floodplains some days, as he dreamt of making his own mark on his country, which started so close to home. He’d invent his own nicknames, naive of his ego, in the hopes that he’d build character. Build character he did, but not by any natural affair. The assortment of many masks he had developed never gave him any sort of satisfaction. In an effort to better himself and those he loved dearly, the boy took off his mask and put on his glasses, with the smell of coffee beans itching his nose. His work has also been published in Seven Deadly Sins, A YA Anthology: Wrath. He is very humbled to appear in the SDS Anthology again with his second published work, “Major Trenton Saves the Day.”

Twitter: @cpmule

Facebook: facebook.com/AuthorCPMule

Website: CPMule.com

Instagram: @TheMuleman

Major Trenton Saves the Day by C. P. Mulé

Every city needs a superhero. For New Jersey’s capitol, Miss Major Trenton is the gal. She’s rough, tough, and ready to mow her enemies down. The nefarious Ghoul Goblin is up to no good once more—despite his losing batting average. Can Major Trenton save the day?

Avarice: Meet the Authors, Day 2

“Poverty wants some things, Luxury many things. Avarice wants all things.” –Benjamin Franklin

Of the seven deadly sins, Pride, Envy, and Avarice are the three that most human beings possess in one form or another. Mild or intense, deliberate or careless, they are inside us all. Do we have the fortitude to prevent an escape from our thoughts and into reality?

It’s time for another volume of Seven Deadly Sins, A YA Anthology. This is Day Two of our traditional introductions to the authors and their stories.

The release date for the sixth volume, Avarice, is April 3, 2018!

Pre-Order the eBook on Amazon and order a print copy after the release. Please consider posting a review on Amazon or Goodreads.


Introducing the next four authors of Avarice and their blurbs:


Kassandra Flamouri‘s storytelling career began at the age of three with “Squirm the Worm,” which was warmly received by an audience of assorted beetles in rural New Jersey. She went on to study music composition and ethnomusicology at the Sunderman Conservatory of Gettysburg College. Now, as an exam prep tutor and budding college planning counselor, she has time to devote to her first love, writing. Her work has appeared in Seven Deadly Sins, A YA Anthology: Envy and Timeless Tales Magazine under the pen name Tamara Linden. Kassandra currently resides in Pennsylvania with a very sweet and loving man and an only intermittently sweet and mostly grumpy cat.

Facebook: facebook.com/flamourifiction

Patreon: patreon.com/flamourifiction

Website: flamourifiction.com

Twitter: @lindifleur

Instagram: @lindifleur

True Love Scars by Kassandra Flamouri

I bet most girls think their crushes’ girlfriends are evil, soul-slurping succubi, and I was no exception. The difference was that I wasn’t speaking metaphorically when I told Danny his perfect new girlfriend with her perfect, mile-long legs and perfectly perky boobs wasn’t a girl at all but a demon. Like, an actual, honest-to-god, bleed-you-dry-and-wear-your-skin-as-a-onesie demon.



Lai Fox hails from Cape May, New Jersey where she lives with her cat, Ralph. She studied at La Salle University, learning about psychology and how to survive in the city. When she’s not making up stories and people, she works as a counselor aide and enjoys films, food, and Disney World. This is her first publication.

Facebook Author Page: facebook.com/laifoxwriting

Instagram: @ayyfoxy

The Wild Card by Lai Fox

Sarah can’t remember a time that her family wasn’t poor. After years of hard work and saving, she’s about to go to college. Her family decides to take a trip to the nearby city of Las Vegas for one last hurrah before she leaves. On their last day there, Sarah urges her father to slip a twenty into the slot machine. What happens next could change their lives forever. 



E.E. Green believes anything has the potential to become a great story. Four-year-old E.E. demonstrated this belief when she strung together random numbers and called it a love poem to her parents. From that day on, she has danced the line between her fictional imaginings and reality, and in 2017 she finally strung enough random words together to complete her first novel. As a Minnesotan living in Ohio, E.E. makes a home with her husband, three children, and two dogs. There’s another little one on the way, but she’s not ready to reveal whether the new addition is a baby or a puppy just yet. E.E. is delighted to see her short story, Pleonexia’s Labyrinth, in print among the many creative tales compiled in Seven Deadly Sins, A YA Anthology: Avarice.

Twitter: @EmilyJulesGreen

Pleonexia’s Labryinth by E.E. Green

A poor girl in servitude to the kingdom is required to follow her young prince into a labyrinth designed by the she-witch, Pleonexia. Within its walls, the prince is promised a treasure beyond his wildest desires—but only if he chooses the right path and sees to it that it’s lavish. With each wrong path, the prince’s avarice grows, and the poor girl must follow him deeper into the maze. Is the treasure waiting in the heart of the labyrinth the one thing that should satiate all greed?



Sarah Hegerty never knows what day it is or if she should be sleeping or awake, an affliction of years of shift-work. Most of the time she remembers that she lives in Australia, the big island in the Southern Hemisphere—at least when she remembers she is on Earth. The lucidity that comes from juggling a normal life with sporadic sleep does have its benefits though. Characters from worlds existing only within her mind scream at her to be written into life. Sometimes, just sometimes, she succumbs to their desires. Playing the System is Sarah’s first published work, although, if the voices don’t let up, it’s sure not to be her last.

Website: sarahhegerty.com

Twitter: @sarahhegerty

Facebook: facebook.com/SarahHegertyAuthor

Playing the System by Sarah Hegerty

Adam and Josh are best friends, that is, until Adam realises there is something else he desires more than anything. A PlayStation. Adam is willing to do whatever it takes. After all, there’s no harm in playing the system a little, is there? What’s the worst that could happen?

Avarice: Meet the Authors, Day 1

What defines a sin? Author Teresa Bassett described it well: “Where does weakness end and evil begin?” Is committing a sin a deliberate act of intent, or simply an oversight of a corruptible character? Perhaps a combination of the two?

Welcome to the world of Avarice, where possession is glory, desire rules the mind, and both people and creatures throw aside all for what they covet.

Twenty-one authors. Twenty-one stories. One theme: Avarice.

It’s time for another volume of Seven Deadly Sins, A YA Anthology! This is Day One of our traditional introductions to the authors and their stories.

The release date for the sixth volume, Avarice, is April 3, 2018!

You can Pre-Order the eBook on Amazon and order a print copy after the release. Please consider posting a review on Amazon or Goodreads.


Introducing the first four authors of Avarice and their blurbs:


Teresa Bassett is a writer from Cornwall, UK. She has written stories and articles for a variety of publications, and is proud to be included in each of the previous volumes of Seven Deadly Sins, A YA Anthology. Her debut novel, The Time Crystals, is due to be published in 2018 by Books to Treasure. A graduate of the University of Bath, she has worked as a foreign tour guide, translator and teacher. She and her husband live with their eccentric greyhound and even more eccentric cockatiel in a caravan on a former tin mine, where building their own home keeps them exhausted.

Website: teresabassett.co.uk

Blog: treeandleafblog.com

Easily Led by Teresa Bassett

Under-achiever Dan and his best friends Pete and Kate are about to leave school with nothing but a kick up the backside and a good riddance. As they contemplate a bleak future, Kate comes up with a crazy plan. She insists no one will get hurt—but is it really the start of a big adventure, or will the trio’s greed set them on a course towards disaster?



Mae Baum grew up among the snow and birch trees of upstate New York, but currently makes her home in the urban jungle of Atlanta with her husband, daughter, and two cats. Always to be found with her nose in a book, she enjoys exploring fantastical worlds and now loves making up her own. Her story, “Ice Bonds” was published in the anthology Between Heroes and Villains, and her fairy tale retelling, “Bluebeard’s Wives” is due to be published in the anthology A Bit of Magic in Spring 2018. She’s currently hard at work on her Imogene Payne urban fantasy series.

Facebook: facebook.com/maebaum

Website: maebaum.com

A Greedy Alliance by Mae Baum

Abandoned by her workaholic mother, Annie, a teenage thief, seeks the love she’s never known. Claudia, a lonely ghost, desires material goods that she cannot use. A chance encounter leads to a bargain, but will they each be satisfied with the result?



Callie Bradford spent much of her youth obsessively searching spider-filled basements for hidden doors and secret passageways. Despite her lack of success, she still hasn’t given up looking. Callie lives in Cleveland, Ohio, with her husband and a one-eyed dog. Her work also appears in Seven Deadly Sins, A YA Anthology: Gluttony and Wrath.

The Cindy Lopez Scholarship Fund by Callie Bradford

After Brianna’s family suffers a financial crisis, she gets a part-time job at a catering company. Sent to serve at a party she normally would have attended as a guest, Brianna tries to hide in the kitchen rather than risk losing face with the popular crowd. But when a chance encounter in a back room opens her eyes to a bigger threat, Brianna must decide where her loyalty lies.



Susan Conner is a writer and artist from Phoenix, Arizona. She’s about to gather up her dogs and cats and embark on a grand adventure to a tiny house in the wilds of Montana. There, she hopes to finish several novels and produce vast quantities of magical artistic creations on her family’s remote cattle ranch. Her stories are for adult and young adult audiences, and always have a few quirky elements in them. Her artwork has been juried into local galleries and recently published in Memoir Magazine. She’s doing jumping jacks of joy to once again have a story included in the series Seven Deadly Sins, A YA Anthology.

Twitter: @SusansWordJar

Aunt Clara’s Ghost by Susan Conner

Trapped in limbo for twenty-five years, the ghost of a teenage hoarder longs for someone to open up the boxes of the precious items she collected before she died. Inside one of them is something that might release her from her eternal torment.

Cover Reveal for Avarice!

The cover for the sixth volume of Seven Deadly Sins, A YA Anthology has been released! Many thanks to our cover designer, Luke Spooner of Carrion House. His vision: “For the theme of the piece I decided to capitalise on the idea of magpies as greedy, hoarding creatures with avaricious appetites for shiny things.”

Keep an eye out for pre-ordering through Amazon. The release date for this amazing young adult anthology is April 3, 2018.

Each volume of this series follows one theme of the Seven Deadly Sins, with a contemporary update to the original sin as described by the Catholic Church many years ago. The authors selected for each volume are from the writing site Scribophile, and they belong to the YA Authors Group. Scribophile welcomes all writers and authors–you can join for free!

Follow my website for more information about the authors of Avarice and the release of this volume as the month progresses.