Holiday Musings

Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy New Year! I’ve probably missed a few salutations, but it’s only through ignorance and not malice. I’m writing today to wish you and yours the happiest of holidays, no matter your religion or celebratory inclinations.

This time of year is both joyous and melancholy for me. Instead of gathering with noisy crowds/family/friends, partaking of spiked eggnog, I find myself staring at the lit Christmas tree while random thoughts pass through my brain. I suppose this comes with age, memories of those who have passed, and remembrances of traditions that no longer exist. The odd moments of quiet contemplation sooth me, though.

During the season, we hear about the prosperous versus the needy. Those who spy a bright red bow wrapped around a white car sitting in the driveway versus the much needed, second-hand coat found on the front porch in a Walmart bag. The extraordinarily expensive diamond ring in a gold foil box under the Christmas tree versus a handmade greeting card in childish handwriting next to the kitchen sink.

I blame marketing and big business for visions of dozens of packages under the tree, each one costing more than the last. Bah, humbag! The evils of consumerism need to be stifled.

It’s refreshing nowadays to see simple pleasures take precedence.

  • A child, excited with a special treat of powdered donuts for breakfast that her mother had fashioned into snowmen by using gumdrops for a hat and pretzels for arms.
  • The silent, rapt attention of a young child attending The Nutcracker for the first time.
  • A note from a 10-year-old, thanking her Gramgram for teaching her to sew because when she was ‘little,’ she had to use markers to make sock puppets and now she can sew on buttons for eyes.
  • The sweet, clear sound of a children’s chorus, dressed in green and red, singing holiday carols.

Do I think the season is for children? Absolutely. And I hope there’s a child in all of us: the excitement of giving and receiving, making memories and traditions, meeting new people, sharing with old friends, being kind.

Merry Christmas, everyone.