Lust: Meet our Staff!

Welcome to the final volume of Seven Deadly Sins, A YA Anthology! This is a continuation of our traditional introduction to the authors and staff members.

The release date for the seventh volume, Lust, is January 9, 2019!

You can Pre-Order the eBook on Amazon and order a print copy after the release. Please consider posting a review on Amazon or Goodreads.

Introducing the Seven Deadly Sins, A YA Anthology staff:


Creative Designer Luke Spooner of Carrion House

Luke Spooner, a.k.a. ‘Carrion House’ and ‘Hoodwink House,’ currently lives and works in the South of England. Having graduated from the University of Portsmouth with a first class degree, he is now a full-time illustrator and writer for just about any project that piques his interest. Despite regular forays into children’s books and fairy tales, for which he has won awards for literary and artistic merit, his true love is anything macabre, melancholy, or dark in nature and essence. He believes that the job of putting someone else’s words into a visual form, to accompany and support their text, is a massive responsibility as well as being something he truly treasures. Luke has designed every cover for the Seven Deadly Sins series. He can be found on Facebook, and at his Carrion House and Hoodwink House websites.


Layout Editor D. Laserbeam

D.Laserbeam, our Layout Editor, has been an icon at Scribophile for many years, so it’s no wonder we jumped at the chance to have Dino do the e-book formatting for the SDS anthologies. Dino writes, edits (Laserbeam Edits), is the founder & editor-in-chief of freeze frame fiction, and oh, yeah–is an engineer in real life!


Copy Editor Katie Stephens

As well as a contributor to Seven Deadly Sins, Katie Stephens is also senior copy editor of the entire series. Once a professional student, she holds a plethora of degrees under her belt–two of which include Master’s in Music and English. A retired music resource teacher and band director from Maryland, she has written K-12 curriculum, treatises on classroom management, and was a key contributor to several grant-writing projects. A member of the Scribophile writing community, she runs contests to elicit submissions from the YA Authors group and uses an amazing contingency of professionals to pick the best possible works for each volume.


Social Liaison Mari L. Yates

While her novels are still unpublished, the quality of Mari L. Yates’ writing has been widely recognized: she was a finalist in James Patterson’s Co-Author competition hosted by Masterclass in 2017 with her thriller, ‘Windows to the Soul’, and in 2014, she made it to the to the quarter-final round of Amazon’s Breakthrough Novelist contest with her fantasy, ‘End of Order’. She is committed to the craft, having ‘won’ NaNoWriMo each year since 2013. When not writing, Mari likes to read, go bowling, take pictures of her cats, or spend time outdoors with her family. Mari is a wiz at social media, specifically Twitter, and she happily accepted the important marketing job for Seven Deadly Sins.


Adjudicator/Editor Edward Reese

Edward Reese is a creative writing teacher from Cincinnati, Ohio, gathering many ideas from his very imaginative high school students. He has yet to capitalize on his threat to commandeer their writing, and it’s only his highly touted ethics that hold him back. When he retires in 14 years, if he hasn’t received a disclaimer of copyright from his ex-students, he assumes all bets are off.


Adjudicator/Junior Editor Susan Ward

Susan Ward is a 21-year-old college student, attending Miami University in Oxford, OH. She is majoring in Business with a minor in Creative Writing, someday hoping to re-write some of the extremely boring professor-required-reading books. Susan loves to immerse herself in Young Adult books when she’s not studying, and is currently enamored of anything by Robin Benway.

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